Why More Girls Should Join Tech.
The gender gap in technology can only be bridged if more girls embrace technology today. 5 years ago, if anyone asked me if I was interested in joining tech or taking up any tech career, I would plainly say no. Why? Because I still believed that as a girl, I would not be so good in tech like the men are. But thanks to a friend (Yves Iraguha - a software developer at Andela Kigali) who introduced me to coding which helped me to gain more interest in Tech. However, there are more girls out there who still have imposter syndrome and need someone to encourage them that they can also make it in Tech. Well, it is not only about joining tech but girls also need to go for those great positions in Tech. In order to achieve this, girls have to, first of all, do away with the imposter syndrome and the negative mindset of thinking that they cannot be so excellent in tech and believe that they can also, be as good as men in tech or even better than them. Joining Tech and Developers Commu...