We all wish to have a better life, so do they!
Some of the beneficiaries of “Help The underprivileged Mission Uganda”, Sam and Shillah after receiving soap and flour Life is so challenging and no one ever chooses to be born poor or needy. However, a small act of kindness can change a needy child’s life and future. A UNICEF Report about children living in poverty and deprivation in Uganda showed that over half of the children (55%) are living in multidimensional poverty whereby they lack food, clothes, education, medical services, and many more needs, with the highest percentage of these children being orphans and children living in rural areas. It is such a heart-wrenching situation to watch these children suffer and fail to meet the different ends of life, yet another part of the population in the same country lives in luxury, spending on things that are not even necessities, keeping more clothes than they can even wear, throwing away wasted food every day, and yet sharing some of these things with the needy...